Graduate Student Orientation
Congratulations on your admission to the Bloustein School!
We are excited to welcome you to the Bloustein School for our annual graduate orientation. Our orientation is comprised of both in-person events as well as online orientation modules. Below is a step-by-step guide to ensure you are ready to start your graduate program on Tuesday, January 21st.
1. Accept your admission
To accept your admission please log into the admissions portal and update your status to “admit-coming”.
International students MUST submit proof of funding to the admissions office prior to completing any other steps and obtain your I-20.
2. Activate your Rutgers NetID and Password
To access our orientation materials and register for courses you will need an active netID.
3. Create a Rutgers student email account
All official university communication will come through your student Scarletmail, so it’s important you are checking your Rutgers email regularly.
4. Accept your invitation on Canvas
Each week we will run a report on Friday and invite any new admitted student to the Bloustein 101 Canvas site. Bloustein 101 is our orientation canvas site where you will find information on your curriculum, advising, housing, how to register, and much, much more.
On the left menu screen of Canvas, you will find the Bloustein 101 course under “Courses.”
*** Any incoming student enrolling in the Bloustein-KDI exchange program will be added to the canvas site Bloustein KDI
5. RSVP for your Orientation Events
Once you have access to Bloustein 101 you’ll have the ability to review the orientation schedule and RSVP for the events.
If you have any questions or concerns about the orientation process please reach out to Courtney Culler ( or Greg Marrero ( for more information.